Monday, August 15, 2011

A Letter: August 15, 1772

My Dear Mrs. Skinner, 
I hope this finds you well and not suffering too much from the summer heat.  It has been quite humid here in Salem and at times quite unbearable with unhealthy vapors from the sea air.  It is my understanding that you will be attending the garden party in Concord next summer.  My dear cousin, Mr. Northbridge was visiting and told me the news.  So much to prepare, he is so lucky to have Mrs. S. Glasse as cook, she is a marvel and economical in her use as well.  We will have much to do making sure the young ladies are properly attired and I will of course be shopping for fabric soon.  A year sounds like a long time, but we know how quickly time passes.  

Kind Regards,
Mrs. Peabody

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